UFOs | An Alternative Theory
UFOs | An Alternative Theory
March 27, 2011
UFO Briefcase
UFO’s have been sighted all around the world. Witnesses describe them as being far beyond current technologies developed by mankind and therefore must be the stellar vehicles developed by intelligent beings from a planet outside our own solar system.
But what are alternative theories not commonly discussed in the news?
This thought provoking question sent me on a mission to discover alternative theories that are backed by extensive documentation and evidence. It seems I was lead backwards in time to an ancient civilization on earth called Atlantis – a taboo subject according to modern scholars, however it had to be considered at some point in my studies.
Kircher Map of the World from the perspective of Atlantis
More commonly discussed in academic circles is the writings of Plato and his reference to this lost world. Many have embarked on the search for this mythical land that apparently featured highly advanced technologies beyond what we have today. Many researchers suggest this famous land is somewhere below the appropriately named Atlantic Ocean, while others suggest off the Greek Islands.
An alternative and not so commonly discussed theory relates to an Ancient Egyptian map that was reproduced in the 16th Century by a Jesuit Priest, Athanasius Kircher (1601 to 1680). Many scholars have been challenged by the Kircher Atlantis map, as it positioned North as facing the bottom of the map – essentially it was commonly studied upside down so as to conform with our modern view of the world.
Published Atlantis researcher, Mr Rand Flem-Ath made a startling discovery way back in 1976 when he came across a pamphlet produced by the US Naval Support Force on Antarctica called ‘Introduction to Antarticta’. According to the Author had previously read a Plato piece that described the Earth’s geography from the perspective of Atlantis. It was not until the Naval brochure came into the equation that Rand Flem-Ath made his startling realization. On the front of the brochure featured a map with Antarctica at the center and the key continents referenced from this location. When compared to the Kircher map, one could easily argue that it is relatively similar:
The United States Naval map from the brochure with Antarctica at the center
Rand Flem-Ath has conducted extensive research to support his perspective that Antarctica is the lost continent of Atlantis. We encourage you to make your own mind by further investigating his works. A good starting point is his published work titled ‘When the Sky Fell; In Search of Atlantis’.
But what does this have to do with the UFO’s?
German UFOs
Did Germany back-engineer UFOs?
Many UFO researchers have come across classified documents concerning back-engineering projects conducted by Germany of UFO’s / flying saucers during World War II. Now as it were, I have come across an old Video cassette featuring a documentary titled “German Flying Saucers: UFOâ€. The film was produced by Christopher McIlraith of Unlimited Vision Motion Pictures; dated 1993.
A review by Nexus Magazine reveals that the documentary features 286 flying saucer craft that were built between 1941 – 1945 by the Germans as both “war and science effortsâ€. Included are detailed plans, and extensive photographic evidence of test flights conducted during this time. Many UFO researchers suggest suggest these vehicles came into German possession after a crash landing, however an alternative theory links this technology to the continent of Antarctica.
Egyptian Glyph with Cross like Glyph
Operation Highjump, officially titled ‘The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, was a U.S. Naval operation in 1946 that was organized by Richard E Byrd. Interestingly, the expedition to Antarctica included 13 ships, multiple aircraft and some 4,700 men. On completion of the Naval operation, Byrd stated that “the most important of the observations and discoveries made was of the present potential situation as it relates to the security of the United Statesâ€. He further stated that he “realized perhaps better than any other person, the significance of the scientific discoveries made in these explorationsâ€.
Many UFO researchers suggest Operation Highjump was a covert military operation to conquer secret underground Nazi facilities and capture the German UFO prototypes. An investigation by researcher Kevin McClure is titled ‘The Nazi Mythos’ which features a range of material to support his claims.
Among the composition of material is included Photos and plans of prototypes; documents concerning German expeditions to Antarctica (coincide with Operation Highjump time frame); Maps of the continent and German newspaper articles dated 1939 concerning earlier expeditions to the area.
Interestingly, the NewYork Times featured a story in 1946 that was titled “Nazis’ Planned Sun Gun 5,100 Miles Upâ€. McClure suggested that Germany had started testing this technology in Antarctica, and presented photographs that show what is suggested is a weapon system originating in the clouds.
It is suggested by various UFO researchers that the prototype UFO’s were engineered from craft originally recovered from bases below Antarctica. Images of the craft include a cross like emblem on the machines, which is also found in Ancient Egyptian Glyphs and referred to in Ancient Indian scriptures.
Ancient Egyptian UFO Glyph
Egyptian Glyph showing Advanced Technology
Ancient Indian Vimana (Wheel, within a wheel: Chariots of the Gods)
Mukul Sharma, an ancient civilization specialist, wrote an article for The Times of India in 1999 about an ancient Sanskrit text that details the use of aircraft that were called ‘Vimanas’. Included are instructions on building the aircraft, stories of flight and reference to passengers specially equipped to survive multiple environments. Interestingly it further states that the craft featured weapons systems based on the reflective focusing of sunlight.
Further interpretations from the text revealed that in addition to the Vimanas, was a second civilization who built technologically superior cigar shaped craft referred to as ‘Vailixi’. Unlike the Vimanas, the cigar craft is reportedly capable of under sea travel, space flight and reportedly first built around 18,000 BC.
Mukul Sharma revealed that texts from other cultures such as the ‘Laws of the Babylonians’ and the ‘Sifrala of Chaldea’ apparently corroborated flight claims made by the Sanskrit text.
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